Last day.
Today, has gone by fast. We reviewed 3D rubric/scoring of portfolio. As well as used studio time to finish all of our works we did not yet. I finished my cards and worked on my map. My puppets are dry but need to be painted and clothed. My cardboard figure was 'finished' yesterday, but I would like to continue to add to it. See all the images below! I have also included works on my peers that I thought were outstanding. Enjoy~
My deconstructed catalog page. I wanted to create a play on the words 'terror' and 'error' with deconstruction and teaching (being a first year teacher - slightly scary!). Out of all the pieces, I struggled the most with this piece.
I wish I had a before and after. Oh well!
My Concertina book with maps.
I based it on places I called 'Home.'
It starts with my hometown and alma mater, moves to my college town and college, then my home-away-from-home, a camp I worked at, travels across the sea to Ireland, and finally rests in my local location!
I wanted to focus on the Principle of Unity/Variety with the map, use of primary colors and line quality as well as the Element of texture, and space.
This piece is definitely my favorite. It is still unfinished, I am excited to work more into it.
The head of my puppet made from plaster gauze.
It was so easy to make, I will definitely use this in the classroom. We attached the heads to sticks from outside. My piece is still unfinished, I need to go in and paint the head as well as add arms, legs, clothing, and hair. I'll try to remember to post pictures when I complete it.
(Below) My cardboard piece and I posing together. As you can see my shins aren't quite to scale! This was an extremely fun process and piece. I would not recommended it for Intro. classes, but definitely advanced classes. We first sketched our portrait with shoulders and then we (the classes) were assigned stations and we rotated our pieces around the room and the people came to life with vivid colors and mark-making. Then over the course of the next few days, we drew and cut our body parts out and then switched them with other people so that we did not end up designing our own. Then today, we put all the pieces back together! It is a piece that I think I will continue to work and rework. I love the assemblage/collage aspect of the different pieces. This is a great 2D concept!
Below (Left) John C's (Center) John G's and (Right) Pier's.
*Click images to see enlarged.
Below are three examples of puppets: (Left) Unfinished bunny, (Center) John C's and (Right) John G's reaper.
Below is our teacher's example of reusing classroom materials. As art teachers, we all have run into old dried out (unwashed) adding plaster gauze we created puppets/figurines a la Mr. Imagination.
Below are more peer examples of the Concertina book.
In order of artist: John C's, Kathleen's, Pier's, Lauren's, Jason's and John G's.
And at the end of today, I got my certificate! AP Certified!
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